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Get Help Now!Marketing plan
Excecutive Summary
Marketing Plan: Product Idea
Your final project will be a marketing plan for a product idea you have developed. Submit a one- page proposal outlining the product you want to bring to market. Be sure to describe the product or service, the target market you envision reaching, and the problem your product or service solves for the target market. This should be a problem that is not currently being sufficiently addressed by current solution providers, i.e., your competition.
Marketing Plan Milestone: Product/Service Description and SWOT Analysis
Submit part one of your Marketing Plan, which includes the following sections:
I. Product or Service Description
II. SWOT Analysis
Marketing Plan Milestone: Target Market and Competition
Submit part two of your Marketing Plan, which includes the following sections:
III. Target Market
IV. Competitive Analysis
Marketing Plan Milestone: Financial Analysis and Pricing
Submit part three of your Marketing Plan, which includes the following sections:
V. Financial Analysis
VI. Pricing Structure
Marketing Plan Milestone: Channels of Distribution and IMC Promotion/Budgets
Submit part four of your Marketing Plan, which includes the following sections:
VII. Channels of Distribution
VIII. IMC Promotion Plan
IX. IMC Budget
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