Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization Photo Collage
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Get Help Now!The art gallery you work for is hosting a benefit to create awareness about the effects of population growth. You have been asked to create a slide show or collage depicting the benefits and challenges of urbanization. The collage will be the centerpiece of the benefit.
Create a photo slide show or collage that depicts the environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization and changing population size.
Include how the factors produced urbanization and changing population size.
Slide show
The slide show must contain at least 10 slides and may be created using Microsoft®PowerPoint®softwareto compile and display the images.
Include captions for each slide, identifying how it is a benefit or challenge of urbanization.
The collage may be created from pictures you have cut out of newspapers or magazines, photographs from the Internet or books, or pictures you have drawn.
Submit a summary with the collage, explaining how each image is a benefit or challenge or urbanization.
You must scan or photograph the collage to submit it electronically, so consider that when you are deciding on a size for the collage.
Post the Microsoft®PowerPoint®presentationas an attachment or scan the collage to your computer as a .JPG file and post it along with the summary as an attachment.
Option 3:Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization Radio Broadcast
You have reached the first step of achieving your dream of being a radio announcer. You have been given an opportunity by Free Public Radio to broadcast a show about environmental science. The topic is “Environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization and changing population size.” You have decided to showcase two2008winners of the Dubai awards as part of your broadcast.
Peforman Internet search for the 2008 Dubai awards. These awards celebrate the best practices for improving the environment. You can findsummaries of the2008winners of the Dubai awards ontheInternet.
Createa 5- to 10-minute radio broadcast usingAudioAcefor Free Public Radio. In the broadcast, interview two award winners and address the following:
The benefits and challenges of urbanization
How the factors produced urbanization
Some challenges they overcame
Becreative with this dialogue and have fun. Remember, however, that your assignment is graded on how well it addresses the items listed above. Enlist family or friends for the different roles or change your voice for each role. You may wish to write out the script and practice it several times before making the final recording. Remember to focus on excellent pronunciation, especially of vowels.
Submitthe audio link provided to you by AudioAce to your instructor.
Option 4:Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization Paper
After reading Ch.7,“Human Population Change and the Environment,”your instructor wants to read your opinions on the benefits and challenges of urbanization and changing population size.
Writea 1,050- to 1,400-word paper thatdoes the following:
Includeshow the factors produced urbanization and changing population size
Identifiesthreebenefits andthreechallenges of urbanization
Provides current or historical event examples of each benefit and challenge
Explains whether you believe the benefits outweigh the challenges, or vice versa
Includean introduction and conclusion.
Formatyour citations consistent with APA guidelines.
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